Join Our Research!

The CHANGE Lab's CPA and YAB Projects are actively seeking participants!Click the logos for more information!Please contact with any questions.

Community Partner Assessment

Youth Needs Assessment - Provider Voices

We want to hear from you! Our Community Partner Assessment team is seeking provider voices from community organizations for our Youth Needs Assessment.

This assessment will gather information from providers, educators, and community leaders on the needs of Boston's youth!

Youth Advisory Board

Youth Advisory Board

Are you a youth of color, 12-17, who wants to improve health and wellbeing for youth in your community?

 Share your voice by joining the Youth Advisory Board! Team members will co-create projects that directly address unique health concerns.

Please complete this survey:

Youth Speaks Boston

Boston wants to hear from YOU! The Youth Speaks Boston Survey is a Youth needs Assesment focused on learning the needs of Boston youth, ages 14-25.